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Our Candles are Luxurious & Eco Conscious at the same time
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Beeswax holds up to 50%
more fragrance oil than any other type of natural wax - making a more luxurious product for you. 

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40 Hours
Documented burn time from our pure bees wax candles

Let's talk Wax
The higher the quality of the materials used, the higher the cost.
Paraffin Wax & Paraffin Blended Wax

Let’s start with paraffin wax & paraffin blended wax. Most consumers today understand that these are toxic & environmentally unfriendly, but many of us are not aware just how many brands are using a toxic mix of paraffin with natural wax. The end result to the environment is just as damaging.

Always check your labels.


Natural Wax: (Soy, Coconut, Palm Wax etc.)


Here at Specimen J we work with a selection of natural waxes. Each one lends its own unique set of properties towards the craft of hand poured candles. As most natural wax candles contain additional additives to opacify, strengthen, harden & ensure good scent throw they are often misrepresented as being sustainable & renewable. Natural wax is produced from intensively farmed crops & some natural wax candles are mixed with toxic paraffin as a blend

Again, always check your labels 


Why, then, are most chandlers using natural wax?

Cost: 25Kg of natural wax at cost price is around £83.00

(price checked / 2022)


Luxurious Beeswax:

No other natural wax has the same properties as beeswax because we cannot replicate what our precious & clever little bees can do. When it comes to making our luxury insect collection candles, there is no question that beeswax is not only from a sustainable & renewable source but it’s the gold standard of materials. That is why we use it. It is able to hold on average more than double the scent of any other natural wax which means a truly luxurious product for you. Beeswax is strong too, so strong in fact that our documented burn time tests give you an average burn rate of 40 hours/30cl candle. As beeswax candles burn, they pull toxins from the air & ionize them. Negative ions bind with the toxins which helps remove them from the air providing a cleaner environment for you & your family. The craft of pouring candles using beeswax combines art with science. Only beeswax allows you to observe the wax change from a liquid to a solid right in front of your eyes – & it’s a truly beautiful sight to behold!

Always check your labels - If it doesn’t say pure beeswax, it isn’t & is probably a blend containing as little as 5% pure natural beeswax.


Why aren’t all chandlers using beeswax. The answer is, of course, cost. Beeswax is hundreds of pounds more expensive per 25Kg than other natural wax. The results, however, speak for themselves.


 At Specimen J all our candles, without exception, are hand-poured here on the farm in the gentle rolling hills of Devon, using only locally-sourced beeswax or natural wax. The art of our craft is brought to you with love from our home to yours.                

Let’s Talk Burn Times

Most Chandlers use the below "maths-magical" calculation to estimate the average burn time of their candles.

Amount Consumed (Original Weight – Post Burn Weight) / Hours Burnt = Hourly Burn Rate

Original Weight (Minus Weight of Container) / Hourly Burn Rate = Approximate Burn Time


At Specimen J we prefer just the facts, which is why we conduct our own burn time tests regularly & document them.

Our candles are burnt for 2 / 3 / hour periods then left to cool completely before relighting.

Our documented burn time tests show our candles give you an average burn rate of:

40 Hours per 30cl Beeswax Candle

On average that’s an additional 5 hours burn time to most candles on the market as these are predominantly made from a wax blend.





After a successful career of over 25 years in Product Management, working with many of the UK's leading retailers on their own brand & branded products I have decided to go back to my creative roots & branch out on my own.

Having formerly studied fine art & design I have taken upon the reigns as head designer here at Specimen J where I feel confident & passionate about supplying luxury, beautifully hand crafted products just for you.

All our candles, without exception, are hand-poured here on the farm in the gentle rolling hills of Devon, using only the finest quality ingredients. The art of our craft is brought to you with love from our home to yours.

from Jacqueline Peto

Specimen J

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Contact Me


01752 939595 /


Yeo Farm, Near Yealmpton, Devon, PL8 2LW

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